Carnegie Mellon University

S3D Fall 2024-2025

Distinguished Seminar Series/S3D Seminar Series

Upcoming Seminars:

Yitzhak Mandelbaum

Seminar 1/22/25

Improving Memory Safety in C++ at Scale with Static Analysis

Nick Feamster Distinguished 1/29/25

Fifteen Years of Measuring Access Network Performance: From Benchmarks to Equity

Vladimir Filkov Distinguished 2/5/25
Deian Stefan Distinguished 4/16/24
danah boyd Distinguished 4/30/25



Past Seminars


Thomas Zimmermann 2/19/24 The Incredible Machine: Developer Productivity and the Impact of AI on Productivity
Bogdan Vasilescu 2/28/24 A Tasty Strudel Recipe for Sustainable Open-Source Ecosystems
Mani Srivastava 3/20/24

Enabling Performant and Trustworthy Learning-enabled CPS-IoT Systems

Premkumar Devanbu 4/24/24

Bimodality in Software

David Rand  5/1/24

Durably reducing conspiracy beliefs through dialogues with AI

Cynthia Dwork 8/28/24

Prediction, Fairness, and … Complexity Theory? 

Denae Ford Robinson 9/4/24 Disrupting Developer Dynamics: AI-Driven Innovations' Influence on Communities
Amulya Yadav 10/4/24 Explainable AI for Non-Profits
Consistently Crossing the Bridge from Development to Deployment
Marsha Chechik 11/6/24 Elicitation and Formal Reasoning about Normative Requirements 
Satish Chandra 11/12/24 AI in Software Engineering at Google 
Joannah Nanjekye 12/4/24

 Memory Management Techniques for Dynamic Languages


Pernille Bjørn


 Diversity in Computer Science

Dr. Margaret-Anne Storey (Distinguished) 


From Automating Software Development to Empowering Software Developers

Junming Huang 1/26/23


Historical comparison of gender inequality in scientific careers across countries and disciplines

Miryung Kim (Distinguished)


Software Engineering for AI

Mark Guzdial (Distinguished)


 Broadening Participation in Computing by Moving Away from Computer Science

Travis Breaux 8/30/2023
Legal Accountability as Software Quality
Mayank Goel 9/27/2023

A Billion Medical Devices - Using Far-From-Perfect Machine Learning in Healthcare

Torgeir Dingsøyr 11/1/2023

A Teamwork Effectiveness Model for Agile Software Development

Daniela Damian

The Inclusive Developer: Perspectives and Considerations for Building Inclusive Software

Andrew Begel 11/15/2023

Building Inclusive Workplaces through Elective Working Relationships

Owolabi Legunsen (Distinguished) 11/29/2023

Specializing Runtime Verification for Software Testing

Yi Wu 12/8/2023 Language Model meets Reinforcement Learning: Building Strong Language Agents for Strategic Gameplay


Amy Zhang 2/23/22

Empowering Users and Communities in Social Media Governance

Anita Woolley 4/20/22

A Transactive Systems Framework of Collective Intelligence:
Teaching Algorithms How to Detect Teamwork

Chris Bail 5/4/22 AI Chat Assistants can Improve Conversations
Carter Butts (Distinguished) 11/30/22
Inference with Many Networks
Daniel Jackson (Distinguished) 12/7/22 The Essence of Software
Hirokazu Shirado 12/8/22

Individual and Collective Learning in Human Groups Facing Danger

Helen Nissenbaum


Privacy as Contextual Integrity: Challenging Practice and Challenged by it.

Jon Kleinberg 12/2/22

The Challenge of Understanding What Users Want: Inconsistent Preferences and Engagement

Lingfei Wu 11/17/22

Remote Teams Fuse Fewer Ideas

Patrick Park 11/16/22

The Centre Cannot Hold: Online Polarization and the Paradox of Network Diversity

Norman Sadeh 11/14/22

Privacy in the Age of AI and the Internet of Things