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Carnegie Mellon University

Lunch and Learn

Do you ever write code? For research? For class? Just occasionally? Who doesn't!
Would you like to learn how to write code faster? With fewer bugs? That's more easily maintained, so you spend less time fussing over the details, and more time getting your *real* work done? We are hosting a weekly series of "lunch and learn" events. Each Friday, we will host video lessons in a series covering a variety of software development best practices. We're beginning to explore other topics as well, including statistics and social impact with technology. Lunch will be provided, but only if you RSVP

List of Topics

Access to videos hosted by Lynda are available by logging in with your CMU account.

September - October 2022 Git Essential Training
October - November 2022 Learning Docker
November - December 2022 Ethical Hacking
January 2023 - February 2023 Quantitative Analysis
February 2023 - March 2023 Data Visualization
March 2023 Testing Scientific Code
April 2023 Prompt Engineering
April 2023 Code Refactoring
May 2023 Command Line Multitasking
May 2023 Learning Jenkins
June 2023 Agile Foundations


Based on our experience with collaborative software projects, we have seen benefits to educating folks with a less advanced software engineering background, and reducing complacency in those with more expertise. We have seen an increase in terms of the quality of deliverables and effective collaboration when people get trained and refreshed on the basics that are often taken for granted. We think this kind of training is incredibly useful for getting new collaborators up to speed, and also helps more experienced folks sharpen their mastery of important fundamentals. The goal is to make widespread use of best practices a bigger priority - everyone will reap benefits from getting development tasks done better and smarter.

Who’s Invited? 

You are, and everyone you work with!

The events are open to all S3D graduate students, as well as all others who collaborate with us. This isn't something that is being hosted specifically by or for software engineering students. The goal is to be as inclusive as possible. Those among us who have not had the privilege of this kind of training stand to benefit the most. That means you, researchers who rarely dabble in code! Software engineering students with a more sophisticated background might only need a small refresher. You too can benefit!