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Carnegie Mellon University

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) at Carnegie Mellon

The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) at Carnegie Mellon University is a 10-week program with support from Amazon that offers first- and second-year students from underrepresented groups in computer science the chance to collaborate with top computer science researchers for a summer. A wide range of projects are available across disciplines spanning the breadth of computer science. Selected students will work with faculty and researchers at CMU on research projects with the possibility of being published and having a significant impact on future technology development.

Program Options

The SURE program at Carnegie Mellon comprises research experience programs from three departments within the School of Computer Science. Explore each to learn more.

Two female programmers working on new project.They working late at night at the office.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Software Engineering (REUSE)

Carnegie Mellon's REUSE program gives undergrad students the chance to work with top Software Engineering faculty researchers. Projects cover areas such as bug repair, software mining, green computing, requirements engineering, program analysis, programming languages, and usable tools. Students work with CMU faculty on research with potential for publication & impact. Past REUSE students have published papers, won fellowships, and won awards. Join us and see what you can achieve!

 Learn more about REUSE

Young Multiethnic Woman is Studying Electronics and Soldering Wires and Circuit Boards in Her Science Robotics Project. Woman is Working on a Robot.

Robotics Institute Summer Scholars (RISS)

CMU's Robotics Institute Summer Scholars (RISS) program provides a unique 11-week research immersion opportunity for undergraduate students from over 50 countries. Participants will delve into various aspects of robotics by exploring robotics labs and topics, meeting with leaders in the field, attending workshops, and being mentored and coached by experts. Furthermore, they will have the chance to present and publish their research, providing a platform for their growth as a scholar in the field of robotics.

 Learn more about RISS

Three people of various ethnicities conducting mobile usability research together at a table in a clean and modern looking workspace

HCII Summer Undergraduate Research Program

Spend 10 weeks at Carnegie Mellon's #1-ranked School of Computer Science in the HCII Summer Research Program. Study the intersection of psychology, computer science, design and technology. Conduct cutting-edge research with world-class HCI researchers. Projects include smart classroom sensors, educational games, accessibility, smartphone privacy tools, future of work & more.

 Learn more about the HCII Summer Undergraduate Research Program